Stormy Petrel Psychologist Annual Newsletter, Volume 6 May, 2013
Welcome to the sixth annual newsletter of the Oglethorpe Psychology Department. We hope that this newsletter allows prospective, current, and former students who are interested in the OU Psychology Major to learn about some of the events that took place during the year. To alumni, please send updates about personal life, subsequent education, or professional development to: [email protected]. Comments, corrections, and suggestions also are welcome.
Reflections from the Chair By Professor Carton
The 2012-13 school year was a period of many changes at Oglethorpe: Longer class meeting times, longer semesters, breaking ground on a new student center, a return of “dead day” and, for the Psychology Department in particular, the addition of a new faculty member. After a national search that started in January and included the review of over 120 applicants, we were thrilled to land our top choice for the position: Dr. Lisa Hayes. She will join us in the fall of 2013 and will be teaching two sections of Introduction to Psychology and one section of Research Methods. Dr. Hayes graduated summa cum laude and with Phi Beta Kappa membership from the University of Michigan with a double major in psychology and anthropology – earning honors in both. She earned her doctorate in developmental psychology, with research interests in developmental psychopathology and pedagogy, at the University of Michigan. Most recently, she is concluding a three-year postdoctoral position that has involved half-time teaching at Spelman and Morehouse, the other half research at Emory University. Dr. Hayes’ office will be in Hearst 316.
In addition to a new colleague in the fall, we were very fortunate to have Dr. Kristy Sorenson serve as a full time visiting professor. We also borrowed Dr. Herb Chuven and Dr. Hanan Trotman from their normal teaching responsibilities in our evening program. Both helped us fill important gaps in our curricular offerings and provided relief during my sabbatical in the spring semester. This year marked the end of Dr. Trotman’s time with us, at least for now, so that she can more directly pursue her research and clinical licensure goals. We wish her the best.
Dr. Justin Wise and Dr. Leah Zinner taught their normal rotation of courses, oversaw student research, and continued to represent the department on a variety of committees and service endeavors for the university. Dr. Zinner will be on maternity leave this coming fall semester (congratulations!) and we are pleased to have Dr. Sorenson join us again in a full-time visiting position to help cover the needed courses for our students during her absence.
The Psychology Department was well represented at various local and regional research conferences, partially made possible by a generous gift from an alumnus who helped pay for student conference registration fees and poster productions. One lesson that I learned this year: If you wish to give a gift to the Psychology Department, make sure that you (a) Ask for it to be “budget enhancing” and not “budget relieving” so that we actually receive additional funds beyond our regular amount; (b) Ask for written acknowledgement from the university that your gift will be handled as you wish; and (c) Let the department chair, currently me, know of your gift so that we can help make sure it is received and can alert you to how it helped us provide a better education to current Stormy Petrel Psychology Students.
As I reflect on the year, again I am impressed with the quality of the students that we attract to the psychology program (including biopsychology and students who minor in psychology). All the professors agree that working with our students is the best part of our jobs. I am particularly pleased with our continued success in the area of research training – some of which is described later in the newsletter and I have included a preliminary list of peer-reviewed publications earned by recent psychology graduates at the end of the newsletter (if you have earned one and it is not listed, please send me the complete reference so I can add it to our compilation). Dr. Wise and Dr. Zinner have done an excellent job with our research training sequence (PSY 301 and PSY 302) and we look forward to having additional expertise from Dr. Hayes (who has taught Research Methods many times and has published in developmental psychopathology).
All of our graduating seniors have plans for the coming summer and fall that involve either employment, further education, or both. Approximately half of the 22 seniors either applied or plan to apply for graduate school. As of this publication date, one has accepted an offer to attend Vanderbilt to earn a Ph.D. in Quantitative Psychology and another has accepted an offer to pursue a M.A. in Business Management at Wake Forest University. In addition, several graduates of our program in 2012 have now gained admission to programs they desired after taking the year off to pursue research or vocational interests. See the “Where did they go?” list later in this publication for a running total of post-OU educational and professional programs attended by Psychology Majors.
Lastly, I want to invite you to review the department’s website. We have added a section called “alumni profiles” and a section on academic advising. We also have updated many other sections and continue to add news stories.
Student Research Accomplishments
Southeastern Psychological Association Research Conference
The work of all five OU Psychology Majors who submitted to the SEPA annual professional research conference was accepted following peer-review by experts in their respective fields. The conference this year was in Atlanta and the students had a great time presenting their work. Congratulations to Kendall Burke, Jahnavi Delmonico, Jazmin Eaves, Julia Fukuda and Jeremy McCoy. Julia Fukuda’s research was selected for the opening night “showcase” of highest rated submissions. In addition, Jahnavi Delmonico was asked to present a talk, rather than a poster, based on reviewers’ comments about the interest in her project. For photos and more details about their research, please see the separate news story on the department’s website.
American Speech, Language and Hearing Conference
Livia Balaban, who graduated last year, presented her research at the annual American Speech, Language, and Hearing Conference, which she attended with Dr. Wise. Congratulations Livia!
Society for Research in Child Development Conference
Cassie Hendrix, who also graduated last year, had two research projects accepted at SRCD in Seattle this year. Attention & Engagement in Infant Video Viewing With and Without Parental Support by Shoshana Dayanim, Cassie Hendrix, & Laura Namy; and Early Life Stress Trumps Maternal Psychopathology in Predicting Behavior Problems in Preschool Children by Julia Schechter, Brittany Robinson, Cassie Hendrix, Katrina Johnson, & Patricia Brennan. Congratulations Cassie!
In recent years, several of our students have gone on to author or co-author publications in peer-reviewed journals. The department is interested in having a comprehensive list of such publications and invites students and alumni to notify us of their publications so that we can include them. Our preliminary list is at the end of this newsletter.
Psychology Department Honors
The Mary Whiton Calkins and Margaret Floy Washburn Awards are available each year to graduating seniors majoring in psychology. Selected by the psychology faculty, the awards recognize outstanding performance in the classroom, commitment to research, and service to the department and university. This year the department awarded Kendall Burke the Margaret Floy Washburn Award. Kendall had an outstanding career at Oglethorpe, participated in multiple research projects, presented at research conferences, held leadership positions on campus (including ODK membership) and was an athlete on several sports teams. She will be attending Wake Forest University in the fall to begin her M.A. in Business. The department awarded Alexandria Hadd the Mary Whiton Calkins Award. Ali, as she is known on campus, was a leader in our department and in the department of her second major, mathematics. She was very involved in campus life during her time at OU and worked for the admissions office. She will be attending Vanderbilt University in the fall to begin her Ph.D. in quantitative psychology. Congratulations to both of them and best wishes for continued success in graduate school.
Additional Honors Earned By Psychology Students
Oglethorpe senior psychology major Janet Wood received Oglethorpe University’s second annual Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation Award. Oglethorpe University was selected in 2011 by the Sullivan Foundation to have the honor of presenting the highly prized Algernon Sydney Sullivan and Mary Mildred Sullivan Awards to two deserving seniors. The awards are given annually to a man and a woman whose remarkable character and dedication to service sets them apart as examples to others. Janet has been a leader on campus since her arrival four years ago and already had earned membership into ODK. In just the first two years of the existence of this prestigious award being made available at Oglethorpe, psychology majors have won it both years (last year Justin Sabree was a recipient).
For another accomplishment, Alexandria Hadd was awarded the mathematics department’s highest honor at the Honors and Awards Convocation. As noted above, Ali is a senior double major in psychology and mathematics and earned departmental honors in both subjects. Her pursuit of a doctorate in quantitative psychology at Vanderbilt next year represents a nice combination of both of her undergraduate major areas.
Psi Chi Inductions
This year we inducted seven new students to join our chapter of Psi Chi. In an induction ceremony held in the spring semester, Kaneisha Curry, Tricia Groover, Sonia Meyer, Shalani Offord, Andrew Phillips, Betsy Rosillo and Mary Swims were sworn into the organization. Psi Chi hosted a few movie nights and trivia nights this year, with plans for more in the coming year.
Where Did They Go? (Graduate/Law/Medical School Placements)
Kendall Burke ’13 M.A. in Business Management at Wake Forest University
Alexandria Hadd ’13 Ph.D., Quantitative Psychology, at Vanderbilt University
Shelby Ayers ’12 M.S., Rehabilitation Counseling (Psych), at Georgia State University
Laura Baldwin ’12 M.S.W. at the University of Texas -Austin
Cassie Pociask ’12 M.Ed. in School Counseling at Augusta State University
Janet Sexton ’12 M.S.W. at the University of Alabama Brittany Weiner ’12 M.S.W. at Georgia State University
Alison Abercrombie ’11 M.A. in Positive Psychology with I/O focus at Claremont University
Jacob Brisendine ’11 M.S. in Public Health Administration at the University of Alabama
Molly Ernst ’11 M.A. in Professional School Counseling at Appalachian State Univ.
Rebecca McAlister ’11 M.S.W. at the University of Georgia
Erica Taylor ’11 J.D., at Mercer University
Alexandria (Alyx) Buonanotte ’10 Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology at Emory University
Noel Curry ’10 M.A. in Expressive Therapy at Lesley University
Cassandre (Elena) Dujour ’10 M.S.W. at Barry University
Nicholas Etherington ’10 M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Mercer University
Shanelle Ebanks ’10 M.S. in Youth Development at North Carolina State University
Ashleigh Grizzle ’10 M.S. in Nursing at the Georgia Regents University
Marley Hirsch ’10 M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Mercer University
Max Arrechea’09 M.A. in Conflict Resolution at Abiline Christian University
Sara Cross ’09 M.D. at Wayne State University
Anthony Ryan Dykes ’09 M.S.W. at the University of Chicago
Ryan Fulgham ’09 M.A. in Community Counseling at Argosy University
Krystal Gayle ’09 M.S. in Public Health, Saint Louis University
Jessica Graner ’09 M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Mercer University
Ilana Olin ’09 M.S.W. and M.P.H. at the University of Georgia
Martha Nodar ’08 M.S. in Community Counseling at Mercer University
Charlynn Hayes ’07 M.A. in Counseling Psychology at New York University
Ashley Maehr ’07 PsyD in Clinical Psychology at Argosy University
Stephanie Malms ’07 PsyD in Clinical Psychology at Argosy University
Kira McCabe ’07 Ph.D. in Social Psychology at the University of Gronnigen, preceded by M.A. in Psychology at Wake Forest University
Daniel Pages ’07 Ph.D. in Neurobiology at Duke University
Amanda Wheat ’06 Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at University of West Virginia
Kionne (August) Feaster ‘06 M.A. in Behavior Analysis at Southern Illinois University
Sara Zipperer M.S.W. at the University of Southern California
Laurie Berger ’05 M.A. in Psychology at New York University
Courtney Terrell ’05 M.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at MTSU
Jennifer Brecher Beegle M.Ed. in Montessori Education at Loyola University
Eric Hill, ’04 Ph.D. in Social Psychology at Arizona State University
Diana Fleischman ’03 Ph.D. in Evolutionary Psychology at University of Texas
Crysta Paul Reddock’03 M.A. in Special Education at Georgia State University
Elena Weiss ’03 M.A. in Women’s Studies at Georgia State University
Shahina (Sameja) Butler ’02 M.A. in Clinical Psychology at Roosevelt University
Emily Diehl ’02 Ph.D. in Counselor Education at the University of Florida, preceded by a M.S.W. at the University of Georgia
Craig Reddock ’02 M.S. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at UT-Chattanooga
Laurie Yancey ’02 M.S.N. in Acute and Critical Care Nursing at Georgetown University
Amanda (Harris) Carton ’01 Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Western Michigan University
Thomas McLean ’01 Ph.D. in Social Psychology at Purdue University
Christopher Rylands ’01 J.D., Vanderbilt University Kimberly (Watkins)
Daniel ’01 Ph.D. in Educational Psychology at Waldon University preceded by M.A. in Counseling Psychology at University of West Georgia
Heather Zardus ’00 J.D., Saint Thomas University
Stacey (Ryerson) Davis ’99 Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Alabama
Theodora (Dora) Soublis ’98 Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the University of Houston
Publications by OU Psychology Majors
Oglethorpe University’s Psychology Department requires a minimum of one year of research training as a component of the undergraduate major leading to a Bachelor of Science degree. The research training includes coursework in statistics, research methods, and an advanced course that requires students to conduct an original project of their own design under close mentoring of a professor. Many students supplement their coursework by working in one of the professor’s laboratories or by completing summer research internships. As a result of their training, many OU Psychology Majors are able to present original research at state, regional, and national professional conferences. These peer-reviewed conferences provide a valuable opportunity for students to witness first-hand the final step of the scientific method: public dissemination of one’s work for critical review. While many colleges and universities are trumpeting “experiential education” these days, Oglethorpe’s Psychology Department has been providing high quality, intensive training in the science of behavior for over 100 years.
In recent years OU Psychology Majors have won first-place awards at research conferences (e.g., SEPA, GPA) and, in doing so, continued a longstanding tradition of well representing the university at a variety of professional venues. In addition, some students even have gone on to publish in competitive, peer-reviewed, scientific journals. A sample of OU Psychology Majors who are published authors follows:
Justin Sabree, Class of 2012
Norrholm, S.D., Anderson, K.M., Olin, I.W., Jovanovic, T., Kwon, C., Warren, V.T., McCarthy, A.J., Bosshardt, L., Sabree, J., Duncan, E.J., Rothbaum, B.O., & Bradley, B. (2011). Versatility of fear-potentiated startle paradigms for assessing human conditioned fear extinction and return of fear. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.
Brittany Weiner, Class of 2012
Weiner, B., & Carton, J.S. (2012). Avoidant coping: A mediator of maladaptive perfectionism and test anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 52 (5), 632-636.
Ilana Olin, Class of 2009
Norrholm, S.D., Anderson, K.M., Olin, I.W., Jovanovic, T., Kwon, C., Warren, V.T., McCarthy, A.J., Bosshardt, L., Sabree, J., Duncan, E.J., Rothbaum, B.O., & Bradley, B. (2011). Versatility of fear-potentiated startle paradigms for assessing human conditioned fear extinction and return of fear. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.
A.J. McCarthy, Class of 2009
Burton, M. S., Youngner, C. G., McCarthy, A., Rothbaum, A. O., & Rothbaum, B. O. (in press). Enhancing Exposure Therapy for PTSD Using D-Cycloserine. To appear in Marilyn Safir, Helene Wallach and Skip Rizzo(Eds). Future Directions In PTSD: Prevention, Diagnosis And Treatment. Springer.
Kearns, M.C., Rothbaum, A. O., Youngner, C. G., Burton, M. S., McCarthy, A. & Rothbaum, B. O. (in press). Prevention of PTSD. To appear in Marilyn Safir, Helene Wallach and Skip Rizzo (Eds). Future Directions In PTSD: Prevention, Diagnosis And Treatment. Springer.
Norrholm, S.D., Anderson, K.M., Olin, I.W., Jovanovic, T., Kwon, C., Warren, V.T., McCarthy, A.J., Bosshardt, L., Sabree, J., Duncan, E.J., Rothbaum, B.O., & Bradley, B. (in press). Versatility of fearpotentiated startle paradigms for assessing human conditioned fear extinction and return of fear. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.
Jessica Graner, Class of 2009
Simons, J., Filmore, J., Graner, J. (2011). Sexual orientation change efforts: Are we advocating enough for our LGBT Youth? Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling Newsletter, 37(2), 26-27.
Kira McCabe, Class of 2007
McCabe, K.O., & Fleeson, W. (2012). What is extraversion for? Integrating trait and motivational perspectives and identifying the purpose of extraversion. Psychological Science, 23, 1498-1505.
McCabe, K.O., Mack, L., & Fleeson, W. (2011). A guide to data cleaning in experience-sampling studies. In M.R. Mehl & T.S. Conner (Eds.), Handbook of Research Methods for Studying Daily Life. New York, NY: Guilford Press
Amanda Wheat, Class of 2006
Whited, M. C., Wheat, A. L., Pagoto, S. L., Appelhans, B. (2011). Psychological Co-morbidities of Cardiovascular Disease. In: S. Pagoto (Ed.) Handbook of co-morbid psychological and physical illness: A behavioral medicine perspective (123-162). New York: Springer.
Wheat, A. L., & Larkin, K.T. (2010). Biofeedback of heart rate variability and related physiology: A critical review. Applied Psychophysiological Biofeedback, 35(3), 229-242.
Whited, M.C., Wheat, A.L., & Larkin, K.T. (2010). The influence of forgiveness and apology on cardiovascular reactivity and recovery in response to mental stress. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 33(4), 293- 304.
Eric Hill, Class of 2004
Johnson, K.A., Hill, E.D., & Cohen, A.B. (2011). Integrating the study of culture and religion: Toward a psychology of worldview. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5(3), 137-152.
Hill, E.D., Terrell, H.K., Cohen, A.B., & Nagoshi, C.T. (2010). The role of social cognition in the religious fundamentalism-prejudice relationship. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 49(4), 724-739.
Cohen, A.B., Malka, A., Hill, E.D., Thoemmes, F., Hill, P.C., & Sundie, J.M. (2009). Race as a moderator of the relationship between religiosity and political alignment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35(3), 271-282.
Hill, E.D., Terrell, H.K., Hladkyj, S., & Nagoshi, C.T. (2009). Validation of the narrative emplotment scale and its correlations with well-being and psychological adjustment. British Journal of Psychology, 100(4), 675-698.
Diana Fleischman, Class of 2003
Fleischman, D.S., & Fessler, D.M.T. (2010). Progesterone’s effects on the psychology of disease avoidance: Support for the compensatory behavioral prophylaxis hypothesis. Hormones and Behavior, 34(2), 77-83.
Perilloux, C., Lewis, D.M.G., Goetz, C.D., Fleischman, D.S., Easton, J.A., Confer, J.C., & Buss, D.M. (2010). Trade-offs, individual differences, and misunderstandings about evolutionary psychology. American Psychologist, 65(9), 930-932.
Fleischman, D.S., Navarrete, C.D., & Fessler, D.M.T. (2010). Oral contraceptives suppress ovarian hormone production. Psychological Science, 21(5), 750-752.
Perilloux, C., Fleishman, D.S., & Buss, D.M. (2008). The daughter-guarding hypothesis: Parental influence on, and emotional reactions to, offspring’s mating behavior. Evolutionary Psychology, 6(2), 217-233.
Amanda Harris, Class of 2001
Gaynor, S.T., & Harris, A. (2008). Single-participant assessment of treatment mediators: Strategy description and examples from a behavioral activation intervention with depressed adolescents. Behavior Modification, 32(3), 372-402.
Please send me updates on graduate school, law school, medical school, social work, MBA, nursing, etc. I want a comprehensive list of our placements. Evening Degree Program students are to be included, so I want to hear from you too with your placements and updates! Remember to join us on Facebook at “Oglethorpe Psychology Students: Past and Present” Thanks for reading