Dr. John Carton, psychology professor and chair of the Behavioral Sciences division at Oglethorpe, recently led an a innovative research project to investigate the psychological benefits of SCUBA training for individuals with spinal cord injuries and other mobility impairments. He partnered with LifeWaters, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping spinal cord injured patients and disabled […]
2014 Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting Continuing a longstanding tradition of preparing our students to submit their own research to peer-reviewed professional conferences, this year three Oglethorpe University Psychology Majors accompanied their professors to the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association in Nashville, TN. Patricia Groover (’15), Jessica Lill (’15), and Anthony Maccaglia (’15) […]
Oglethorpe Psychology Students Present Original Research at Southeastern Psychological Association Once again, Oglethorpe Psychology students have achieved a 100% acceptance rate at a professional conference! This march, five Oglethorpe students presented original research in psychology at the 59th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association in Atlanta, GA. This is a very prestigious accomplishment for […]
Stormy Petrel Psychologist Annual Newsletter, Volume 6 May, 2013 Welcome to the sixth annual newsletter of the Oglethorpe Psychology Department. We hope that this newsletter allows prospective, current, and former students who are interested in the OU Psychology Major to learn about some of the events that took place during the year. To alumni, please […]
Oglethorpe University Psychology Students Achieve 100% Acceptance Rate at 2012 SEPA Conference! Five Oglethorpe University Psychology Majors submitted research projects for presentation at the 58th annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) in New Orleans. All submissions to this professional conference are peer-reviewed by faculty experts in their respective fields. As is always the […]
Oglethorpe Psychology Students Participate and Compete at the 2012 Georgia Undergraduate Research in Psychology Conference at Kennesaw State University The annual Georgia Undergraduate Research in Psychology Conference was held at Kennesaw State University on Saturday, April 14. Over 110 students from nearly 20 universities presented either research posters or talks. Many were honor students from […]
Stormy Petrel Psychologist Annual Newsletter, Volume 5 May, 2012 Welcome to the fifth annual newsletter of the Oglethorpe Psychology Department. We hope that this newsletter allows prospective, current, and former students who are interested in the OU Psychology Major to learn about some of the events that took place during the year. To alumni, please […]
The Department of Psychology encourages students to apply for internships to supplement the training they receive at Oglethorpe. Below are three stories recently submitted by OU Psychology Majors who successfully competed for, and completed, prestigious paid summer research internships. Students interested in applying for these or other internships are invited to speak with any of […]
The Georgia Psychological Association held its annual meeting in Marietta on Saturday, May 15, 2010. Each year, conference organizers invite students at every college and university across the state to submit original research for a juried competition. This year, six OU students, accompanied by Professors Leah Zinner and John Carton, attended the conference. This marks […]
This year eight current and former students from Oglethorpe University presented their original research at the 2010 Annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychology Association (SEPA). SEPA is one of the largest psychology associations in the United States. According to www.sepaonline.com, the purpose of SEPA is to “advance psychology as a science, as a profession, and […]